The sample is randomly drawn and it represents an image of the entire population. If we replace one person with another, it causes an imbalance in the data, because the sample then no longer is random.
We would like to interview you four times in total. By interviewing the same people several times, it produces the best measurement of changes over time, such as people work more hours than they did last time they were interviewed etc.
If you have a secret address in the population register, it only applies for private persons and companies. Public authorities have the right to obtain and use the information.
The sample includes people aged 15-89 at the time of the first interview. The sample is designed so that the unemployed persons have a higher probability of being selected to ensure a sufficient number of responses from the unemployed. In calculating the results this is taken into account so that the numbers reflect the actual composition of the population.
The survey is a rotating panel survey with four panels. This means that a person participates several times in the survey. A design with four panels means that one fourth of the sample is replaced each quarter. This design is important to calculate quarterly and annual changes in e.g. unemployment and employment.
If you want to know more about the survey or wish to contact us, please feel free to call the toll free number: 80 60 60 04 or send an email to: Always remember to quote your reference number in any correspondence. The online interview is available on the Internet at and further information about participation in the Labour Force Survey can be found on or
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